At Livermore we foster a culture of honesty, fairness and accountability. Above all else in this, is living up to the highest level of out ethical standards in all of our relationships and in all activities. Our reputation is built on our word, it is the basis of every member of our team. Our responsibilities include adherence to the industry regulations, and the law.
At Livermore we are continuously monitoring the social environment with the goal of balancing the ever changing global landscape. We consider it a privilege to be able serve and support those in need, especially those who have served our nation. We believe that charity is a personal responsibility and at the heart of our core beliefs. Some of the charities Livermore has contributed to in the past include but not limited to:
Greenwich United Way
Wounded Warriors Project
Homes for Heroes
YMCA of Stamford
Member Handicapped Children’s Fund
A Little Hope
Tic Toc Stop Foundation
Parkinson's Foundation
Cohen Veterans Bioscience